Pages for Freedom: Delivering Books!

In just a few weeks, our Pages for Freedom initiative reached massive success, raising over $500. Every single donation and every single donor made a tremendous impact on the success of our cause. With the funds raised, we were able to buy every book requested by the Montgomery County Correctional Facility and even more books that provided valuable education, inspiration, or hope.

Lori Kebetz, the branch supervisor at the Montgomery Correctional Facility Library, commented:

The books you have chosen are absolutely fantastic. The titles are popular and for many, we have to rely on borrowing from other library branches to fill requests. On behalf of the Correctional Facility population, thank you for thinking of the readers here and for your generosity.

We hope that these comments serve as a reflection of the impact our initiatives carry. We are honored to have had the opportunity to directly touch the lives of inmates and bring a little bit of brightness to their journey. As we set out on this journey to better the American justice system and restore enfranchisement to marginalized communities, we could never have expected the success that our first steps could have brought. Again, we thank you for your invaluable support.

In total, we were able to donate 44 books to the Montgomery County Correctional Facility. The books ranged in a variety of genres and topics, from self-help books teaching character, biographies on Malcolm X, non-fiction books about law, foreign affairs, and justice in America, to notable classics. Each book will make a difference in the lives of those incarcerated.

The Student Justice Alliance’s work isn’t over however; there are many more marginalized communities that face barriers to equal justice.

When we set out to begin this initiative, we expressed the hope that our actions could transform the rehabilitation process and empower the incarcerated. While we are far from that goal, our first steps have gotten us much closer. Our unwavering belief in the power of books to foster intellectual growth and encourage empathy and personal development guides the Pages for Freedom Initiative. We hope you’ll join us in our journey.

Learn more about our future initiatives here and on our socials.


One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: The Last Six Months of Criminal Justice


Pages for Freedom: Books for Correctional Facilities