PIA Filed: Judicial Nominations
The Student Justice Alliance filed a PIA request on December 18, 2024 to investigate judicial nomination proceedings in Carroll County. The investigation focuses on the county's historical lack of female judges and seeks to examine selection criteria, demographic data, and nomination procedures spanning the past 15 years. The Carroll County Judicial Nomination Commission has never nominated a female candidate to the bench. The comprehensive request includes demographic information of all judicial candidates, nomination committee records, and any existing diversity studies or analyses.
Our statement:
"Our goal is to understand and address potential systemic barriers in the judicial selection process. Across Maryland, our judiciary doesn’t reflect its constituency; it's concerning that Carroll County has never nominated a female Circuit Court judge. When Circuit Courts decide some of Maryland’s most important cases, their decisions affect everyone. We believe transparency is the first step toward ensuring our judiciary reflects the diverse community it serves."
The full request: